Tag: plant trees

Tag: plant trees

Trees for Jane Campaign

Jane Goodall is famous for her work with chimpanzees and for her efforts to protect great apes and their habitat. She is a conservationist and primatologist. A conservationist helps to protect and preserve the environment and wildlife. A primatologist scientifically studies primates. Apes, monkeys and human beings are among the primates. Now Jane has launched

A Gift for Your Community

If you wanted to plant trees that would grow well in your community, how would you know what trees to plant? If you found some trees that would grow well in your community, how would you know which ones would grow best in different places? Which would like being along sidewalks and medians? Which would

Helping to Save Trees

In the news these days are stories about huge wind storms, sometimes with lots of flooding, and intense wildfires that are destroying entire communities, including trees. Sometimes trees are uprooted, ending their lives. Even worse, those trees might land on a house, damaging it and sometimes killing people who live there. These kinds of news