Great book about outdoor activities
If you are feeling a little blah, there’s an easy way to fix that. Spend 20 minutes walking or playing among trees. Just 20 minutes will help you start to feel better. How cool is that!
If you don’t have trees anywhere nearby, just spend time outside in the yard or in a park with your family. Soak in the sunshine, and enjoy whatever grass, flowers or bushes there may be around you.
It’s such a great way to help yourself feel happier that an author named Richard Irvine wrote a book about it. His book is called Wild Days: Outdoor Play for Young Adventurers. It’s packed full of activities, games, projects and lessons that you and your family can do together. They will help you understand what nature has to offer in many enjoyable ways.
The book was published this year, 2021, by GMC Publications, headquartered in England. You can check out their website at https://www.gmcbooks.com.
A wonderful website called https://www.treehugger.com spread the word about this wonderful book in a newsletter article written by Katherine Martinko. The treehugger website is a great place to find out lots of information related to trees and nature.
Wild Days: Outdoor Play for Young Adventurers includes lots of activities for kids of all ages. There are many illustrations! It also has a section of stories and different kinds of games like treasure hunts. There are even games you can play by yourself. There’s another section that helps you learn things like watching birds, identifying plants, spotting clouds, and hunting for bugs. It tells you how to build a campfire and includes recipes for cooking food over the fire.
The book even explains how to bake clay beads in hot coals and how to make a bow and arrow. If you want to learn more about night vision and how to track animals that come out at night, the book tells you about that too. What a find!
Richard Irvine writes from more than 20 years of experience as an outdoor educator. His book will help you spend lots of enjoyable time outdoors. What a great way to chase the blahs away!