Tag: nature

Tag: nature

Trained Biologist Captures Plant Music

Tarun Nayar is a trained biologist. He is also a musician. He likes to make music with the help of bioelectric pulses he has recorded from living plants and fungi. He also is interested in integrating the sounds of wild places such as old-growth forests. He wants people to be fascinated by and aware of

Trees May Help You Feel Happier

Most people feel a little sad every now and then. Sometimes for just a few seconds, they may feel lonely or down in the dumps. Those feelings are often gone in a minute or two. Sometimes they last a little bit longer. When you start to feel sad or lonely, you could try something simple

The Toad and My Dog

This week, my dog, Peanut, found great pleasure in chasing a toad. The traumatized toad tried to hide in a large mum beside the house. Peanut circled the mum, making sounds between a bark and an excited whimper. Unfortunately, the mum took a beating. The toad found other shelter in a coiled up hose. Peanut

Lost Words of Nature

When author Brooke Smith discovered several years ago that the Oxford Junior Dictionary was planning to remove over 100 words related to nature from its pages, she became angry, disillusioned and sad. The dictionary editors didn’t think the words had relevance for children of today. They were words like apricot, lavender and porcupine. I can

Man Studies Ancient Oak for Two Years

Have you ever enjoyed being around a tree so much that you spent a lot of time visiting it? If you have, you’re not alone. A professor in England wanted so much to learn more about an 800-year-old Honywood Oak that he spent two years visiting it. He went at many different times of the

Help Kids Believe in Themselves

When you take a walk with your child or children someplace where there are several trees, encourage your children to be especially aware of those trees. Notice their color, their shape, their beauty, their individuality. But notice more than that. This kind of noticing might seem a little weird, woo-woo, or even spooky. But it